Essential Competencies for the 21st Century Leader - StratAlign
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May 13, 2020
Organisational Culture Webinar by Stratalign South Africa
Essential Competencies for 21′ st Century Leaders Webinar Series 2: Organisational Culture
July 21, 2020
Essential Competencies for 21st Century Leaders

StratAlign Management Consultants in South Africa have a rich history of supporting leaders in the workplace. It is vital to ensure that people can work effectively with one another, have the necessary conversations, negotiate win-win solutions, manage conflict, solve problems and influence each other successfully. This needs to be achieved under the supportive facilitation of an effective and inspirational leader. These leadership competencies are essential for the modern organisation.

As the opening programme of our new series on Essential Competencies for 21st Century Leaders we are offering a six module webinar programme on the following essential competencies:

Webinar 1
4 June 2020
13h00 – 14h30

Webinar 2
11 June 2020
13h00 – 14h30

Webinar 3
18 June 2020
13h00 – 14h30

Becoming an Excellent Negotiator: Learning about negotiation skills that achieve mutually
beneficial, win-win outcomes.

Managing Conflict successfully: Understanding and managing conflict that arises in the workplace (or elsewhere) toward mutually acceptable outcomes.

Solving Problems Together: Learning how to engage in effective and simple joint problem-solving processes that result in solutions everyone supports.

Webinar 4
25 June 2020
13h00 – 14h30

Webinar 5
2 July 2020
13h00 – 14h30

Webinar 6
9 July 2020
13h00 – 14h30
Influencing Each Other:
How to influence people successfully in the workplace.

Effective Facilitation:
What it takes to be an excellent facilitator of people processes designed to enable agreed and helpful outcomes.

Holding Critical Conversation: How to hold necessary and tough conversations in the workplace and achieve the best possible outcomes.


You will get:

  • Notes and presentations from the webinars
  • Recordings of the webinars

Cost: The cost is R150 per person including VAT per webinar. If you book for the whole series a discounted price of R650 including VAT will apply.

We can also design webinars tailored for your team and workplace.
Please join us in these one-hour sessions.

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